"Equal and Opposite Reactions" and "Hail Mary" are available on Amazon. MY WISH FOR TONIGHT'S DEBATE The general consensus among commentators, columnists, correspondents, pols, pundits, ...and my Wednesday morning Posse - now online Posse - political junkies all, ...is that tonight's debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden will be akin to a sporting event, and blood sport at that. Will Trump land a haymaker and sweep the floor with Biden? Will Biden choke, sputter, and wilt under Trump's verbal assaults? Or will Biden, nimble-tongued and steeped in strategy, side-step and out-maneuver Trump and leave him drowning in his own bombast? And so tonight at 9 pm Eastern Standard Time millions of Americans will be sitting on the edge of our sofas, glued to our TV sets to watch the fight and by tomorrow morning, after the dust has settled - or the gore mopped up - and the post-match analysis done, the winner will be announced. The irony, of course is that it's unlikely that the outcome of tonight's debate, if it comes off as expected, will make any real difference to most voters. Remember the Democratic Primary debates, at the beginning of which there were close to two dozen energetic, exciting, articulate candidates bursting with innovative ideas, and then there was good old Joe Biden who could barely make his voice heard among them? Turned out the voters didn't want articulate, energetic, exciting, or innovative. They wanted good old Joe Biden. And so it will go tonight. Those who want Joe Biden will still want him even if he talks himself into a pretzel or gets blown down by Donald Trump, and those who want Donald Trump will still want him even if he come across looking like Bozo the Clown on mega- or should I say MAGA -steroids. So why bother? What purpose is served at this point by a debate that as of now promises to be nothing more than a nasty, possibly excruciating, spectacle? And yet, if I could have my wish, tonight's debate would play out not as a slug-fest, but as a feast of facts, plans, platforms and ideas. I'd like to hear Joe Biden present and enlarge upon his plans in detail: his plans for affordable health care, for dealing with climate change, environmental issues, racial justice, and the economy, among other things, and, most importantly at the moment, his plan for dealing with the COVID-19 epidemic. I'd like to hear Donald Trump talk about what his plans and policies would be going forward, should he win a second term. I'd like to hear lots of straightforward "yes's" and "no's" to the moderator's questions. I'd love it if the candidates could stay civil, not talk over each other and courteously yield when their time is up. (This last wish is, of course, directed towards the candidate with the reputation for the rude habit, among other rude habits, of talking over other people). Naturally, I don't expect my wishes for tonight's debate to come true. But one never knows. Things don't always go as expected.
I think, though, that I would like to offer Joe Biden a piece of advice for tonight: Mr. Vice-President, whatever subject you opt to broach, don't bring up yesterday's bombshell news about Donald Trump's tax returns. He'll be expecting you to bring up his taxes and he'll be armed to the hilt and just spoiling to use your words against you. So don't give him the chance. Besides, we don't need you to bring up that Donald Trump doesn't pay his taxes. We know, already, we know.
"A hilarious, bizarre, sometimes ribald tale." -R. Bruce Logan, author of As The Lotus Blooms "Liszkay continues to dazzle with fresh and funny characters from beginning to end." -Daniel B. Oliver, author of The Long Road CAN YOU NAME EVERY STATE ON THE MAP AND THE CAPITAL OF EACH? Can you? Can you, for example, name all of these states without Googling? Do you know which of these is which? I confess I didn't. Not that I couldn't name all fifty United States in a pinch, and if you asked me if a state was north, south, east. or west, I could tell you...though now I see that I didn't know exactly how north, south, east or west. I learned of my geographic ignorance a few days ago when I was indulging in my election season past-time of checking the Presidential polls on Fivethirtyeight seventeen times a day. (Why I still do this I cannot even say, considering how accurate the polls were last time around). Anyway, there's a page on the Fivethirtyeight site that offers daily a number of possible electoral outcomes based on mathematical probability, or some such esoteric concept. On this page there are maps of the potential outcomes, such as: It was while studying these maps that I realized that I didn't know to which states the majority of these unlabeled shapes were referring. Which one is Iowa? Where's Montana? Which one is actually Utah? Colorado? Arizona? And what's this one to the left of Texas? And what's the one to the right of Texas? I pulled up from online a labeled map of the U.S. to make some sense of the unlabeled Fivethrityeight maps. It was a moment of epiphany: It hit me that so many of the states were just sort of vague disembodied outlines on the map in my mind, even the states I've been to numerous times; in other words, I might know a place, but I still couldn't find it on a map. But how intriguing was this map of my country that I hadn't take a close look at probably since sixth grade geography class (And probably not even then). I'd imagined Colorado, with its mountains and ski resorts to be farther north and Utah, with its deserts - Utah has deserts, right? Or maybe not? - in any case, I thought of Utah as being more south. And Arkansas was more west on the map in my mind. And Georgia was more west, too. (Even though I did know, having seen "Gone With The Wind," that General Sherman marched from Atlanta to the sea. But which sea?).
And look at Illinois (which I mentally interchanged with Chicago, probably because that's the only part of Illinois I've spent time in): it touches Kentucky, which is the actual South. And Illinois is likewise just a small edge of Kentucky away from...Tennessee? How interesting, how enlightening, once the light bulb of interest has snapped on. I've heard it said that most people once they graduate from school don't conquer any new mental horizons such as learning a new instrument, a new sport, a new language, a new art, a new mathematical subject. However I've decided that this graduate is going to conquer something new: I am going to learn where every United State is located on the map. To this end I ran off a passel of blank U.S. maps and every day I'm going to study and give myself map quizzes until I have all the states correctly labeled. Oh, and I'm going to learn all the state capitals, too, because I don't know all of those either. What's the capital of Missouri? Mississippi? South Dakota? South Carolina? New Mexico? New Hampshire? Ask me next week. Jon Husted has spent the past twenty years as an Ohio state lawmaker, ...serving as Ohio Secretary of State, Speaker of the Ohio House of Representatives, and a member of the Ohio Senate before he was appointed as Lieutenant Governor in 2019 by Governor Mike Dewine. This past year, since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, Jon Husted has picked up the gauntlet with Governor Dewine and side by side (formerly side by side by side with Ohio Health Director Dr. Amy Acton until Dr. Acton was driven from the job by extreme harassment from hostile right-wing protesters) , ...the two men have risen to the challenge of keeping the Ohio citizenry safe, informed and updated on the latest news and developments in our state on the COVID pandemic, following the science, making the hard and often unpopular decisions, in any case putting the health and welfare of Ohioans above any political considerations. However Jon Husted is a Republican and co-chair with Governor Dewine for Trump's re-election campaign in Ohio. And so the day before yesterday when Trump showed up for a campaign rally in Vandalia, Ohio, a suburb of Dayton, ...it should have been normal for Ohio Lieutenant Governor Jon Husted to be at the rally to whip up enthusiasm and excitement prior to Trump's on-stage appearance among his fellow Republicans, all of whom were there for the same purpose as he was: to show their love for Donald Trump. Or so must Jon Husted have believed. But Husted made the mistake of likewise believing that he could show support for Trump as well as for fighting the spread of COVID-19 by encouraging the packed, mostly maskless crowd to wear masks, which, as everyone knows, Donald Trump is as against as he is other anti-pandemic measures, such as social distancing at his campaign rallies. And if Donald Trump is against something, so are his followers, rabidly. The outcome of Husted's mistake in not realizing this was dreadful to watch. Husted stepped onto the rally stage modeling a "Trump 2020" mask. "I'm trying to make masks in America great again and I've got President Trump's masks," he said. The crowd booed. Husted must have believed - most naively - that he could win over the crowd by showing them an assortment of masks - apparently available for purchase at the rally venue - with Trump logos on them. He was further booed and jeered. "Hang on, hang on," he said good-naturedly, holding up the blue mask, the red mask, the MAGA mask to more boos. "Hang on, I know we don't like wearing 'em, hang on, hang on, I get it." But the co-chairman of the Ohio Trump campaign was bombing miserably with these Team Trump zealots, and the more Husted tried to convince them that he was on their team, the more they booed, jeered, and mocked him. They shouted him down, gave him thumbs down, yelled at him, among other things, "Tyrant," "Get off the stage," and "Not gonna work," when he quipped that they could tell people they were trying to save the country by wearing a Trump mask. The hostility from this crowd was palpable and brazen. Husted was even being booed by children. Here are a couple of videos of Jon Husted desperately trying to win the approval of the crowd: https://twitter.com/i/status/1308147051495071745 https://twitter.com/GeoffWSYX6/status/1308139566558261253?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1308139566558261253%7Ctwgr%5Eshare_3&ref_url=http%3A%2F%2Fabc6onyourside.com%2Fnews%2Flocal%2Fdewine-husted-respond-to-booing-at-president-trump-rally-in-vandalia Watching those videos is excruciating. Not so much because the Lieutenant Governor is being heckled and insulted by a rude, rowdy crowd; but because he tries so hard to put on a show of laughing off their mockery and insults, as if their obvious dislike of him is really all in good fun, he and they are all Trump supporters, after all. And because they were Trump supporters, he had no choice but to suck up to them. And they, in return, did all they could think of to humiliate him, to make it clear to him that he was not one of them, to publicly otherize him. And so our Lieutenant Governor, who was attempting to support both the wearing of protective face masks and Donald Trump learned a biblical lesson: that a man cannot serve two masters, for he will either love the one and hate the other, or hate the one and love the other. Which begs the question: The health and well-being of Ohioans or Donald Trump...which masters Jon Husted's heart? References:
https://www.cleveland.com/open/2020/09/ohio-lt-gov-jon-husted-heckled-during-trump-campaign-event-in-dayton.html https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-election/ohio-governor-jon-husted-booed-trump-rally-mask-mandate-b520484.html https://twitter.com/GeoffWSYX6/status/1308139566558261253?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1308139566558261253%7Ctwgr%5Eshare_3&ref_url=http%3A%2F%2Fabc6onyourside.com%2Fnews%2Flocal%2Fdewine-husted-respond-to-booing-at-president-trump-rally-in-vandalia https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/22/politics/donald-trump-ohio-jon-husted-mask/index.html Like the blog? You'll love the books. "EQUAL AND OPPOSITE REACTIONS" AND "HAIL MARY" AVAILABLE ON AMAZON http://amzn.to/2xvcgRa https://www.amzn.com/1684334888 THE WHITE SQUIRREL Today on this beautiful September morning I took my daily once (or sometimes twice - this morning it was twice) around the block. With the country on fire over the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg and how her seat on the Supreme Court will be filled, ...I found myself instead worrying over the fire still burning up the West Coast, ...and the smoky air going into the lungs of my sister who lives in Portland and my grandchildren who live in Los Angeles. I ruminated over the COVID-19 epidemic still keeping me apart from those I love and nowhere near abating yet. And I thought about all the people along the Gulf Coast who were once again suffering in the aftermath of yet another monster hurricane. I wondered how the Administration that is supposed to be administering to the well-being of our country could continue to plug up its ears to the admonition of every medical expert in the world while almost 1,000 people still die every day in this country from COVID-19, and to the warnings of every climate scientist on the planet while our coastlines burn and drown before our eyes. I thought of the Bible verse Luke 16:27-31, in which the rich man burning in hell asks Abraham to let him come back from the dead to warn his brothers to change their careless, greedy ways. Abraham replies that the man's brothers have the prophets, and if they won't heed the words of the prophets then they wouldn't listen even if someone rose from the dead. In the midst of all these sober mullings I caught sight of something scampering across a front yard. It was a white squirrel. I thought I must have scared him because he headed for the nearest tree and ran high up into the branches. But then he settled on a lower branch, ...turned to me, ...and smiled. Or at least he looked like he was smiling. I immediately called my sister to tell her about the smiling white squirrel. She googled "white squirrel" and read that these little apparitions are quite rare, and that the odds of seeing one are 1 in 100,000. She also learned that in mythology a white squirrel is a good omen and seeing one means that change is coming and so one should be ready for it. I'm so ready. Reference:
https://www.statista.com/statistics/1109281/covid-19-daily-deaths-compared-to-all-causes/ Last year around this time I posted over two days two blogs, the first about the hurricanes that were wreaking destruction along our Gulf Coast and the second about the wildfires that were ravaging not only our West Coast but forest areas around the globe, even in Siberia and the Arctic. Today our Gulf coast is again being devastated by hurricanes and our West Coast is again an inferno, and not only our West Coast: This year wildfires have raged in forest area outside Marseilles, France; ...in Andalucia, Spain; ... in southern Greece; ...in Australia. The Amazon wildfires are surging worse than last year. Wildfires are still burning in Siberia. The Arctic is burning like never before. According to the NASA earth observatory, "Following an active 2019 season, fires in 2020 have again been abundant, widespread, and have produced abnormally large carbon emissions." And so, as this year's natural disasters wrought by climate change are merely a continuation of last year's and the year before's - except that this year the misery for those hit by these fires and hurricanes is worsened by the additional misery of the COVID -19 pandemic - I've decided to repost here those two posts from last year, "Apocalypse Now: Hurricanes and Floods" and "Apocalypse Now: Fires." Hence today's blog is a little longer than usual. But maybe you have the time. APOCALYPSE NOW: HURRICANES AND FLOODS |
"Tropical Depression"
by Patti Liszkay Buy it on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BTPN7NYY "Equal And Opposite Reactions"
by Patti Liszkay Buy it on Amazon: http://amzn.to/2xvcgRa or from The Book Loft of German Village, Columbus, Ohio Or check it out at the Columbus Metropolitan Library
September 2024
I am a traveler just visiting this planet and reporting various and sundry observations,
hopefully of interest to my fellow travelers. Categories |