Last week House Speaker Paul Ryan took this selfie of himself in front of a gathering of the Republican House interns: A short time later the Democratic House interns decided to congregate for a selfie of their own: Every picture tells a story, of course, but in this case the story is derived from looking at the two selfies side by side. Each portrays a group of smiling, fresh-faced, idealistic-looking all-American youngsters; but one photo is a sea of white faces, while the other is filled with faces as varied as a map of the United States. No body of research or poll could tell more about political demographics in our country than do these two photographs. They are a study of two Americas. But as I looked at these photos I realized they also told me something about myself. About which group I’d choose, easily, to belong to. About which America I want to be mine. And, consequently, the basis of my own political beliefs. Back in the 1960’s when I attended a Catholic girls’ high school we used to sing a song during our school Masses, the lyrics of which were based on Psalm 133: What a great thing it is and oh, how pleasant it will be when all God’s children live together in peace. Looking at the photo of these young children of God in all their Divinely-ordained diversity, ...does in fact give me the pleasant feeling that I what I’m seeing is a great thing, an image of the world the way it’s supposed to be. Or at least the way I wish it could be, a celebration of God’s diversity instead of the denial of it that we too often see in this world and, sadly, even in our country. And I know in my heart that it is this wish for all God’s children to be living together in peace – and equality and availed of the basic human needs each of us requires – that ultimately drives who I vote for and why.
...I say be of good cheer; for in the words of prophet Jeremiah, chapter 31, verse 17: There is hope for your future. As there is for all our futures.
Patti Goller
7/24/2016 12:44:45 pm
Thanks Patti. Some of my family keeps quoting statistics to prove their point. No statistics needed here. Love Patti
7/25/2016 07:41:41 pm
Thanks, Patti ! 8)
7/24/2016 02:10:01 pm
More important I would think, Patti, is the content of the party platforms as we roll onward toward ejection day. Regardless of skin color, one party has embraced life, from conception to natural death, while the other has adopted the most radical, pro-abortion platform yet. I'm sure you know which is which.
7/24/2016 02:36:02 pm
Of course, my typo should read "Election Day"
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"Tropical Depression"
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