I've been in Portland since Monday visiting my sister Romaine, When my plane arrive from Los Angeles the Portland weather was freezing and the roads were an icy mess. Therefore after picking me up at the airport Romaine suggested that we stop on the way home at Whole Foods to stock up on some provisions and then spend the rest of the evening and, if the weather stayed bad, the following day, indoors cocooning. Now, I'm not accustomed to shopping at Whole Foods - I'm a Kroger's gal myself - so I was a little intrigued by some of the products, ...and was actually pretty good, ...topped with a lot of fruit, sugar and cinnamon. I also found some interesting-looking spinch feta chicken sausage, and the produce looked stunning, ...so I suggested that I fix us some spaghetti squash topped with a tomato sauce made with the chicken sausage instead of ground beef. The result was so auspiciously yummy that I’m considering swearing off ground beef spaghetti sauce and making only spinach feta chicken sausage sauce. Provided I can find spinach feta chicken sausage at Kroger’s. And as long as my fan base doesn’t revolt. Tommy and Randy Tom Anyway, here’s the recipe, as well as I can approximate it, having never actually measured out some of the ingredients: Spaghetti Squash Topped With Spinach Feta Chicken Sausage Tomato Sauce 1 or 2 good-sized spaghetti squashes About a pound of spinach feta chicken sausage Olive oil spray 3 15-oz. cans tomato sauce 1 12-oz. can tomato paste Oregano Lawry’s Garlic Salt Onion powder Shredded Parmesan Cheese Remove the chicken sausage from its casing. Spray a frying pan with olive oil, heat the oil, place the chicken sausage in the pan, add several shakes of the garlic salt and onion powder (sorry, I never measured) and brown the sausage. Into a large pot pour the three cans of sauce and the can of paste. Fill each sauce can about 1/4 full of water and let sit for a few minutes so that any sauce in the bottom is loosened, then stir and add to the sauce. Fill the paste can to the top with water, let sit a few minutes until any paste in the can is loosened, then stir and add to the sauce. Add about half a dozen good shakes of the garlic salt, several good shakes of the onion powder, and several good shakes of the oregano. Add about 2 tablespoons of the shredded Parmesan cheese. Pour the liquid off the browned sausage then add the sausage to the tomato sauce. Simmer for about two hours. Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Spit the squashes in half, remove seeds, and place in a shallow pan with an inch or two of water. Bake for 40 minutes. Remove the squash from its shell. Spoon the sauce over the squash, While we were waiting for dinner we felt like snacking a little. I suggested some of that splendid Parmesan on a cracker. Romaine, however, came up with an even better and more Portlandesque concept: Parmesan on roasted seaweed squares. This combination was so good that after I finished off all the seaweed squares I tried spooning the Parmesan over the quinoa chia crunch supergrains. It was a delightful combination
1/7/2016 05:52:11 pm
Did your breath smell like sardines for a few hours after eating the seaweed?
1/7/2016 10:01:44 pm
Ummm...don't know.
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"Tropical Depression"
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January 2025
I am a traveler just visiting this planet and reporting various and sundry observations,
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