...but that's not why he pulled our country out of the Paris Agreement. And he didn't pull us out because, as he declared in his pull-out speech, he cares about the people of Pittsburgh, whose mayor Bill Peduto immediately shot back that the people of Pittsburgh care little for Donald Trump, ...and that Pittsburgh would continue to follow the carbon emission guidelines of the Paris Agreement with or without Donald Trump's by-your-leave. It always slays me when Donald Trump proclaims that he cares about American workers - as he implied by invoking the welfare of Pittsburgh as his reason for abandoning the Paris Agreement - since these are the very people upon whose backs he made his billions and who he is notorious for cheating out of their pay after they've done work for him. Construction workers, contractors, electricians, hotel workers, even cooks, bakers and once a piano mover, hundreds of hard-working American laborers have been swindled by Donald Trump. Nor did Trump pull the United States out of the climate accord because he cares about creating jobs and new industry; he's just handed off clean energy technology, along with all the jobs that will be created in that field, to the rest of the world while he's pledged his allegiance to coal, a dying industry that the rest of the world has for the most part lost interest in buying. No, I am convinced that Donald Trump caused this cataclysmic reversal, this major downgrading of the United States' standing and leadership in the world for one reason: he adores what the French call "faire chier," a vulgar expression (appropriate in this case) that means to irritate, infuriate, exasperate, frustrate, bother, upset, provoke, and rile people just for the fun of it. For the excitement and enjoyment that the perpetrator gets out of it, for the sake of making himself the center of attention. Like the perennial trouble-making middle schooler he continues to resemble in his behavior, ...Donald Trump loves to keep things stirred up to make sure it's always about him, him, him. But then why shouldn't Donald Trump continue to faire chier? That's the behavior that got him elected President of the united States and that enables him to continue causing disruption and to make sure that he's always front and center, now on a global scale. What does it matter to Donald Trump if American workers lose out on the jobs and benefits of the climate technology revolution? What does it matter to him if the planet heats up to the point where our coastal cities are flooded, where we - especially the poorest among us - lack sufficient clean air, food and water, where animal and plant life populations are decimated and parts of our lovely planet are reduced to "a sterile promontory...a a foul and pestilent congregation of vapours?"* What will any of that matter to Donald Trump? People as rich, powerful, and self-centered as himself will always somehow manage to have theirs. *As perhaps unwittingly prophesied in Shakespeare's "Hamlet." References:
http://www.cnn.com/2017/06/01/politics/pittsburgh-mayor-donald-trump/index.html https://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2017-01-05/trump-s-dc-hotel-tagged-with-5-million-in-unpaid-worker-liens http://fortune.com/2016/09/30/donald-trump-stiff-contractors/
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February 2025
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