(Sigh). Another day, another fifteen shocking headlines about Donald Trump. Now, it’s perfectly clear to me why there are so many people in this country who don’t support Donald Trump. And I have enough imagination to get why there are so many people who do support him. And, there being such a great ocean of Hillary-hatred sloshing around out there, I can even see why there’s a good number of Americans who are undecided, unable to settle on what they see as a choice between the lesser of two evils. But what I really have a hard time wrapping my head around is all the Republican politicians who make harsh public denunciations of Donald Trump then tag on that, well, they still support him. Or they'll offer a variation on the theme, such as they don't support him but they endorse him, Or they don't endorse him but they support him. Or they don't support him or endorse him, but they still intend to vote for him. What are they saying? What are they thinking? What do they think they're saying? Far and away the weirdest statement of all recently came from Marco Rubio, who verbally thrashed Donald Trump, called him a con man, then announced that he's going to vote for him anyway! Marco! Do your hear yourself? You said, in a public statement, that you're going to do your part to put a con man into the office of President of the United States! And you're asking people to vote for you for public office? Why, people, why? It seems those of the psychologically bifurcated, "I--want-nothing-to-do-with-Donald Trump-but I'm with-him" cohort generally give two reasons for why they cannot stand with one conviction or another. The first reason they give is that Donald Trump if elected will appoint conservative Supreme Court justices who'll advance conservative social values. Or so they trust. Or so they wishfully think. In truth, who knows who Donald Trump would appoint to what, the wishes of his so-called fellow conservatives being the least of his priorities? The wishes of anybody but himself being the least of his priorities? Might not The Donald treat the Presidency as a continuation of the daily reality show starring himself that his campaign has been up to this point, leaving every appointment, every decision, every Presidential duty to the circle of advisors he chooses to surround himself with? Seriously, would anyone want to bet their life on what might be end up being the prevailing ideology within a Donald Trump-appointed Supreme Court? The second reason Donald Trump's non-endorsing supporters (or non-supporting endorsers) give for giving him their vote is the shrugging excuse that they are obligated to vote for their party's choice whether they like it or not. Which sounds like the pusillanimous second cousin of "I was just following orders". Maybe they'll soon be saying that the Devil made them do it. But if I had to take a guess I'd venture that the real reason those among our supposed leaders who can't find the courage of their convictions are in that unhappy place because fear has turned them to jelly. Fear of Donald Trump. Fear for their political futures. But to these Jelly People I would say, firm up and take a stand on either one side or the other. Either stand up bravely for Donald Trump, ...or stand up bravely against him, ...and recall the words of Revelations 3: 15-16: "I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot; I would you were cold or hot. So then because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth." Otherwise come November your constituents might be feeling the same. References:
http://www.miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/election/marco-rubio/article95752532.html http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/08/where-republicans-stand-on-donald-trump-a-cheat-sheet/481449/
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