You know you need something good to read. "Equal and Opposite Reactions" and the sequel, "Hail Mary" Buy them on Amazon. MIKE PENCE, YOU PUTZ, JUST DO IT! Do it, Mike Pence, JUST DO IT! Four years you've been Donald Trump's Gunga Din, the most loyal of lackies, ...creeping along behind him with your goat skin water bag slung over your your back like a limping lump of brick-dust, then scurrying ahead to sprinkle your water on the fires he set and your fairy dust on his lies and actions that were enough to make your eyebrows crawl. And in return, Mike Pence, he's belted you and flayed you, ...but now, by the livin' Gawd that made you, has come to your chance to show that you're a better man than Trump is, Mike Pence! For you are finally to have your day, Mike Pence (as does every dog), your chance to throw off your water bag and stand tall, to be a man instead of Trump's gummy worm, ...multiple mixed metaphors be hanged! And so do it, Mike Pence, JUST DO IT! Congress is offering you your manhood on a silver platter, the opportunity to lead the country and save us from whatever destructive mischief Donald Trump might be cooking up in the coming days, and you'd get to be President of the United States, to boot. (President only for a few days, but still. You'd finally be The Man. Or at least a man). Listen, Mike Pence, and hear me well: on this very day the United States Congress is voting on a resolution to call on you to invoke the 25th Amendment of our Constitution, which, with a majority of the President's cabinet in agreement, would require the Vice President (that's you, Mike Pence) to take over the duties and powers of the President and, in this case, for the President to be removed immediately. After Congress votes today on the resolution, you will have 24 hours to invoke the 25th Amendment. Do it, Mike Pence, JUST DO IT! And do it now. Get Donald Trump out of the office of President, don't let another sun set on this man still sitting at the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office. Do not follow behind Donald Trump another minute with your water bag, don't follow him down, down, down, lest you end up spending eternity squattin' on the coals givin' drink to poor damn souls. You've been given the opportunity, the chance, the gift to do the right thing for your country and to break free of Donald Trump. So please, Mike Pence, cease being Trump's putz, his Gunga Din, his gummy worm. Do it now, Mike Pence, JUST DO IT! References "Gunga Din" by Rudyard Kipling,
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"Tropical Depression"
by Patti Liszkay Buy it on Amazon: "Equal And Opposite Reactions"
by Patti Liszkay Buy it on Amazon: or from The Book Loft of German Village, Columbus, Ohio Or check it out at the Columbus Metropolitan Library
February 2025
I am a traveler just visiting this planet and reporting various and sundry observations,
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