...Continued from yesterday: After the wonderful Cyclorama presentation and lecture by our very gracious Amish guide I did a once around the Heritage Center gift shop while Tom chatted a little while longer with our guide. Then we left Behalt and slogged back towards town through the still-falling snow, taking a round-about route to pass some of the outlying touristy spots: But we walked around a bit anyway, popped into a couple of local establishments, including Sol's Palace: You want Amish stuff, Sol's got Amish stuff gazoot: We also stopped in a hardware store and a grocery store, both of which included several young Amish women among the staff. Continuing the trend of tourist-friendliness we'd been experiencing this visit, these young clerks graced us with a smile and the standard "Hi, welcome to (wherever)" as we entered their stores and "'Bye, have a nice day", as we left, perfectly normal and expected verbal gestures that seemed remarkable only when compared to the silent stink-eye cast upon us during our last visit whenever we entered Amish-staffed businesses . The wait staff was both Amish and English (or non-Amish, in Amish Country lingo), Anyway, the staff was friendly and the food was delicious. Tom had the roast turkey dinner and I had a cheeseburger and fires, but the pieces de resistance were the desserts: ...Though in truth Tom felt, though the ice cream was primo, that: 1. the apple pie that he makes at home is much better (I could have told him that. Nobody makes apple pie like Tom's. See post from 1/31/2014), and 2. his slice was 'waaaay too big! However neither of these facts kept Tom from finishing every last bite. My cherry pie was awesomely perfect though it was accompanied by a boatload of ice cream, which I likewise did not neglect to finish. As we stood at the counter paying our bill one of the girls in the above photo asked us with a smile if we enjoyed our lunch. "Ooooh, yes!" I replied. Then Tom and I waddled from the restaurant to our car like two stuffed geese and returned to the Berlin Resort where we made our way to our room, cranked up the heat, flopped onto the hyper-comfy bed and spent the remainder of the afternoon in a food coma. A little later we got up and did a few turns around the many hallways since the snow was too deep to walk off our pie around the hotel grounds. Semi-convinced we might never need to eat again, we let the dinner hour come and go then headed to the hotel movie theater where I had reserved "Nacho Libre" for the 8:00 show. On Sunday morning, amazingly, Tom and I woke up ready to eat once more. So we headed back to the hotel dining room for breakfast, this time served by someone other than the Amish lady from yesterday, but it was still good and once again included those sublime cinnamon rolls, of which I partook a goodly portion.
After breakfast we took a swim and a dip in the hot tub, then it was time to leave the wonderful Berlin Resort and venture back out into the snow. And so we left Amish country, this time, unlike last time, feeling amicable towards the place and the people and looking forward to our next visit. Though next time we'll probably skip the pie.
2/26/2015 07:22:03 am
Sounds like a nice trip along with lots of good eating. Not to mentioned you got to visit Heini's Cheese Chalet (does the name sound like it's spelled?)
2/26/2015 10:15:26 am
Yes, I believe it's pronounced it the way it sounds. In fact, we were hoping to go into Heini's and grab some cheese but due to the weather Heini's was closed for business so no Heini's cheese for us. Hopefully Heini's will open up again very soon.
2/27/2015 01:34:39 am
I'm sure you are looking forward to the time when you can server your family and friends some nice Heini Cheese.
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