I miss The Eclipse. It was so nice yesterday, having something to be excited about, something happy and good that everybody could all talk about, share, celebrate and marvel over. Something that brought us together as a country, for a change. I loved that people from all over the world traveled to the areas where one could see the Totality, as the total eclipse was called, or even to get a little closer to the Totality. Some of my children took Eclipsecations to places closer to The Totality zone: Claire and Miguel traveled from Chicago to Badlands National Park in South Dakota, where they watched the event on Dinosaur Hill; ...while Callie and Theresa took a day trip from Cincinnati to the Kentucky-Tennessee border, from which they caught a good view of the night descending upon the day. As for me, I'd been intending on going about my business throughout the day without looking up at the sky for fear of hurting my eyes (see post from 8/20/2017), then looking at the pictures later on the internet. But then a couple of my afternoon students cancelled their piano lessons - to watch The Eclipse - so I decided to make use of my free time to drive over to the Gahanna Library for a book. But there was a traffic jam in front of the library and the library lawn was crowded with children and adults wearing eclipse glasses and holding eclipse boxes and other eclipse-viewing paraphernalia. The sight of all these people who'd come to share the experience of this natural wonder in community filled me with such a feeling of warmth, positivity, and over-all gemülichkeit that I decided to forget about getting a book - besides there was no place to park anywhere near the library - and went home to hang out in my backyard. When I arrived home Tom was already outside eclipse-watching, ...with our next-door neighbor. Though I'd sworn I wouldn't look up, not even with glasses, what the heck, now I couldn't resist taking a few peeks, ...and saw the amazing sight of the sun looking like the moon, as captured in this photo posted on Facebook by someone who placed his eclipse glasses over the lens of his camera. I too, had the idea of trying to catch a photo of The Eclipse at the moment of Totality - or as close to Totality - 80% - as it would be where I stood - but I didn't think of putting the glasses on my camera; rather I looked through the camera's screen while wearing the glasses. Here's what my camera captured: A different perspective of The Eclipse, but sufficient to inspire me, as I'm sure it inspired other part-time poets and dreamers the world over, to put together a few lines of verse. I say "put together" because I borrowed some words from some famous verse-smiths and glued them together with some thoughts and words of my own. I don't know if that sort of thing is allowed. It's probably not. But here it is. No iambic pentameter, trochaic tetrameter, or dactylic hexameter, just my brain shaking its booty to the music in my head on the dance floor behind my eyes. There Went The Sun By W.S. Gilbert, William Shakespeare, St. Paul, George Harrison, and Patti Liszkay The sun whose rays are all ablaze with ever-living glory Did deny his majesty, but oh so briefly, While his flame, that placid dame, the moon's Celestial Highness Teasingly stole for two minutes the light she nightly borrows, That mankind may all acclaim her and say, "Though she be but little, today she is mighty," And recall that sometimes the weak confound the strong In wonderful ways. Hear Ye, Hear Ye! Today, August 22, and tomorrow, August 23, ...will be available for FREE on Amazon Kindle!
It's my FREE eBOOK GIVE-AWAY! So, today or tomorrow just click on the link below: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0732Q34LT then when you get to the link click "Kindle Edition" and "Equal And Opposite Reactions" will be yours for free and forever to read on your Kindle! So grab yourself a free Kindle copy of "Equal And Opposite Reactions" on August 22, or 23. If you already read the book and loved it, then share this with everyone you like! 😊 If you already read the book and hated it, then share this with everyone you don't like! 😉
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"Tropical Depression"
by Patti Liszkay Buy it on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BTPN7NYY "Equal And Opposite Reactions"
by Patti Liszkay Buy it on Amazon: http://amzn.to/2xvcgRa or from The Book Loft of German Village, Columbus, Ohio Or check it out at the Columbus Metropolitan Library
February 2025
I am a traveler just visiting this planet and reporting various and sundry observations,
hopefully of interest to my fellow travelers. Categories |