Karl Marx never intended for his manifesto to play out as badly as it did.
Making a really good grilled cheese sandwich is tricky. If you cut back your calories you'll lose weight even if you don't start exercising. If you don't cut back your calories you won't lose weight even if you start exercising. Exercising is good for you but it doesn't burn up as many calories as you'd think. Eating a thousand extra calories worth of organic granola will make you as fat as eating a thousand extra calories worth of big macs. Grown-ups are as influenced by peer-group pressure as kids are. Watching a good movie is as worthwhile as reading a good book. Physical exercise is better for warding off dementia than cross-word puzzles and sudoku. Most doctors and nurses really do want their patients to get better. People are attracted to people who are comfortable in their own skin. Teachers, nurses, and those who volunteer to help the needy are doing the Lord's work. Any one of us could find ourselves in need some time down the road. A child's success in school is determined by what goes on at home. A teacher's success in the classroom is determined by what goes on in the homes of his or her students. The unexamined life is worth living, but the examined life produces a better human being. God doesn't care about your specific religious beliefs or practices, but rather how you treat your fellow human beings every day. Hard work is more important than talent. Talent won't get you anywhere without hard work. Anyone who takes piano lessons with a good teacher and practices a lot can become a good pianist even if they've got no natural musical talent. Someone with a ton of natural musical talent who studies with a good piano teacher but who doesn't practice will sound, when they play, like someone with no talent. Religion is a frame of reference that a person uses to establish his or her relationship with God. Some people find that they don't need that frame of reference to establish their relationship with God. Some people can't establish a relationship with God even within that frame of reference. Sometimes I over-think things. I think that about covers everything I believe, but if I think of anything else I'll let you know.
4/8/2014 03:59:40 am
I think you should make this into a rap!
4/8/2014 04:22:38 am
If only I could get a good rhythm going! ;)
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