Who believes for a minute that Donald Trump really took hydroxychloroquine to ward off COVID-19? Who believes for one minute, for one second, that Donald Trump would risk his life and health by taking a drug that medical experts have pronounced dangerous and potentially deadly? On the other hand, who believes Donald Trump would lie about taking it? Right. And why wouldn't he lie about taking the drug? Lying is what Donald Trump does. Lying comes as naturally to him as breathing. Donald Trump lies because he can. And because he can get away with it. Donald Trump revels in lying, and he's a master at delegating others to prop up his lies or do his lying for him. And so how much credence can be given to the statement by his press-secretary-du-jour Kayleigh McEnany that it was in fact the White House doctor who prescribed the hydroxychloroquine for Trump? About as much credence as can be given to any of the Trump-flavored nonsense she spouts on a regular basis. ...who is said to have prescribed - and, one assumes, dispensed - the hydroxychloroquine to Trump - that is to say, one can't imagine Donald sending Melania to the CVS to fill his prescription - Dr. Conley did not publicly admit to prescribing the drug for Donald Trump. Nor did he deny prescribing it. Which is enough to float the assumption that he did prescribe it. Even if he didn't. Donald Trump would lie about taking hydroxychloroquine because he once touted it as a miracle cure for COVID-19 and Donald Trump cannot tolerate being proven wrong. So he'll lie to prove to the world that he was right all along: Hydroxychloroquine did no harm to me, see? It's perfectly safe. I don't have the coronavirus, see? It works. And any statement, true or false, that Trump throws out about anything is caught by his base, held close to their hearts, and results in them believing in him, defending him and cleaving to him all the more. And Trump's claim of taking hydroxychloroquine has likewise required his allies and party members to once again give him a public show of their support and loyalty. James P. Bradley, a Republican U.S. House candidate in California, tweeted: "Donald Trump taking hydroxychloroquine to ward off coronavirus is a kick-ass move that proves why he is the bravest and strongest of all American presidents.” Roger Marshall, a doctor - a doctor - who is is running in the Republican U.S. Senate primary in Kansas announced that he and his family were taking hydroxychloroquine to prevent catching COVID-19. The members of Trump's cabinet have publicly backed his use of hydroxychloroquine, and even the Food and Drug Administration softened its warning on the danger of the drug when Donald Trump announced that he was taking it. Because that is the power of the voice of a President who uses his power against anyone who dares to speak up against anything he does. And then there's the detail that the Trump organization has a financial interest in Sanofi, a French company that manufactures hydroxychloroquine. And in the meantime Trump continues to create buzz around himself as Americans discuss whether and why Donald Trump is taking the drug, whether and why Donald Trump is showing prescience or idiocy, whether and why doctors should follow Donald Trump's lead or condemn it, all this talk about Donald Trump and hydroxychloroquine, just another distraction from the fact that 100,000 Americans have died of coronavirus with more dying every day and Trump has never had a real plan for rescuing our country from the ravages of this pandemic. And in the end, if it should be leaked that Donald Trump did in fact lie about having taken hydroxychloroquine, why, he can always just lie about having lied in the first place. So why should Donald Trump have taken the risk of ingesting a deadly, dangerous, ineffective drug when he could reap the benefits by simply lying about it? Which brings me back to my first question: Who believes that Donald Trump really took hydroxychloroquine? Happy Memorial Day, Everyone. Next year in a healthier country. With a better President. References
https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2020/05/24/coronavirus-trump-says-he-finished-taking-hydroxychloroquine/5253492002 https://www.thedailybeast.com/republicans-use-potentially-lethal-drug-hydroxychloroquine-as-trump-bait https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/498803-white-house-doctor-prescribed-hydroxychloroquine-for-trump-mcenany ttps://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/the-us-doctors-taking-trumps-lead-on-hydroxychloroquine-–-despite-mixed-results/ar-BB14wrPj?li=BBnb7Kz&ocid=SK216DHP https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/19/politics/trump-cabinet-meeting/index.html https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/22/health/hydroxychloroquine-sales-covid-19-trump-invs/index.html
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